Friday, July 11, 2008

My first blog... ever.

Well, I've been considering starting a blog for a while now. I'm a little late starting this blog about my life with a child, but friends have encouraged me to try it enough that I thought, "What the heck." So, here I am. I really don't have too much to talk about tonight, except I'd like to shamelessly AW (attention whore) my son. :)

He said his first sentence today. We went to Wal-Mart and I bought him a matchbox car since his recent obsession has become cars. He sounds like he's from Boston when he says it, it's so dang cute! He was playing with his car once we got home and said, "Go car." OMG, my jaw hit the floor. This is the kid who's gone from only having a 15 word vocabulary to about 25 in just over a week. I'm so excited he's finally talking, but as my mom assures me, I'll soon be wishing he'd just shut up. LOL

Well, I guess I'll call it a night and try this again another day. Oh, and be on the lookout for another blog for work stories. LOL That should be rather entertaining!!

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